Refund Policy
Received a defective item or your order got damaged in transit? No worries! We will send you a new one free of charge as long as you contact us at within 2 days of your receipt of the product.
Want to change or cancel your order? We can cancel an order that has not been processed yet. In order to cancel your order, we must hear from you within 1 hour from the time of ordering. Otherwise your order will be processed and shipped out according to our terms. Please note that any orders that have already been packed or shipped cannot be cancelled. Contact us at
Order lost in transit? In some rare cases your order can take longer to arrive. Although this is due to shipping conditions we do not directly control, we can offer you a full refund if your order is not delivered within 45 days since shipping. Note: for faster shipping, some of your Items may arrive in multiple packages.
Our refund policy lasts 14 days. If 14 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can’t offer you a refund or exchange. Refunds for orders due to incorrect sizing in relation to our sizing guide are not permitted and evidence will need to be shown to our support team if this is the case. Please note due to Covid-19 refunds will only be offered to items that have not been used or opened and are still in the original packaging.
Please carefully inspect your shipments as soon as you receive them. We will only offer refunds, replacements or exchanges for defective or damaged products when requested within 2 days of your receipt of the product. We do not offer refunds, replacements or exchanges beyond this point.
Caution! Pets should be supervised when playing with toys. Immediately remove toy from pet if any part becomes loose or detached. Store out of pet's reach when not in use. Remove all packaging and dispose of properly, or retain in a safe place, as appropriate.
Please note that our return policy does not include cat apparel, which are final sale due to hygienic reasons. Also, any edible cat treat is not refundable or eligible for store credit if the cat does not like it.
Damaged Or Defective Items
Received a damaged item? We’ve got you covered and will send out a new one free of charge. No need to return the damaged product! Please email us at with a photo or a short video of the defective item.
Any damaged or defective items must be reported to us within 2 days of your package delivery date.
Items are not eligible for a refund due to size or measurement issues, if the shipped item is the same variant/size as you ordered. In case the size/variant issue is due to us, we accept exchange or refund requests.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
Please do not send your purchase back to the manufacturer.
How to request returns? It's really simple & easy! Get in contact at and your return will be investigated. If the goods are faulty or damaged we offer either a new item (exchange) or full refund.
Refunds will be returned to the same method of order payment, or if chosen, by store credit that never expires.
A community of cat lovers
We are a bunch of people who are madly in love with cats so we chose to gather the most amazing cat related gift products we can ever find for our cat lovers. We are originally from Utah, USA.
We thank you for browsing our store and hope you have an enjoyable shopping experience.
Customer satisfaction is our number one goal and we strive to provide you the best experience for both yourself and your fur-baby!
Our team do their best so that each order is handled promptly and packaged completely so that you receive your purchased item in the best possible.
![We ♥ Cats!](
We ♥ Cats!
With an unconditional love for kitties worldwide, here at Purrfectiion we do our best to unite the community of global cat lovers.
![Giving All Cats Equal Opportunity](
Giving All Cats Equal Opportunity
We proudly donate 5% of all sales to our local cat shelters in Utah — to help all cats live better lives.